Driving Without Insurance

In terms of Section 143 of the Road Traffic Act 1998 the law requires that the use of a motor vehicle on a road should be covered by a policy of insurance or other security.

Here the rules are complex but strict.

Defences are greatly varied depending on the circumstances and “special reasons” might apply to avoid disqualification.

So, do not answer any charge without taking proper legal advice from a lawyer with a comprehensive knowledge of road traffic law.

Telephone 0141 334 2265 and speak to Sabrina or Jim.


Do you need legal advice? Call 0141 334 2265

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    Only choose us to advise you and defend you if you are happy with our first chat with you. Call Jim or Sabrina on 0141 334 2265

    Driving Without Insurance

    ‘Thank you for your tremendous work, Sabrina. ’

    Glasgow Justice of the Peace Court – Andrew D – Special Reasons upheld