Drink Driving

Due to the serious nature of this charge and its consequences, the employment, at the earliest opportunity, of an experienced criminal defence lawyer specialising in Road Traffic cases is the best chance of defending the charge with complete success or reducing its worst consequences.

Please do not make the mistake of giving up the hope of successfully defending this charge without consulting a lawyer. The Police require to follow a very strict procedure to the letter, and demonstrate that they have done so, in order to achieve a conviction at trial. The trial lawyer you choose requires to know the whole case and the technicalities required to prove it, or fail to prove it, better than the Police and better than the Procurator Fiscal. The technicalities are many and there can be great complexity in the circumstances of the case. This is where the skill of an experienced trial lawyer is essential.

There are various ways these cases can be won and it is the lawyer’s job to find the way or ways appropriate in your case. It is rare for us to concede that a case cannot be won but if this is so then there are ways to lessen the impact upon you and other ways to postpone the consequences for you so that if disqualification occurs then it happens when you have sorted your affairs to deal with it.

It is vitally important, if facing this charge, that you have the whole circumstances surrounding the charge and your personal circumstances assessed. For immediate and free consultation please telephone Jim Bready or Sabrina Baig on 0141 334 2265.

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    Our combination of all round court craft from general criminal work and daily experience in our road traffic cases giving the most up to date knowledge of developments in road traffic law throughout Scotland means our clients benefit directly in terms of results.

    Drink driving

    “I thought I was heading for a certain conviction and disqualification. I didn’t think I had a defence until Jim Bready found a loophole and I was acquitted.”

    Glasgow Sheriff Court – Thomas B – Not Guilty after trial (Drink Driving)